From Miryam Levy

In the cycle of Torah readings we are in Vayikra, the book called Leviticus. It's difficult for many, filled as it is with details of sacrifices, rules and regulations. Rabbi Laura Duhan Kaplan, in her blog, Sophia Street, offers Leviticus: Urgent Blueprint for Ethical Community which opened a doorway for me. With her permission, I offer an excerpt that might help you find your way into Vayikra and all of us to a better world.

"Why bother reading it year after year? Isn't it just an old instruction manual? For a form of worship that no longer exists? YES. BUT.

It's also an instruction manual for a utopian society. An imperfect first draft, but a good start..... this year, you should read Leviticus cover to cover. Because it tells us why societies fail. And also how to rebuild them. These are messages we need to hear, right now. ....

People can create an ethical community, Moses says. But they must tend it, constantly. Because the health of the community is like a delicate force field. ....But people can help reset it, with rituals of consolation, healing, and restitution. With maternity leave for new mothers. .... Accountability for corrupt leaders. And limits on economic inequality.

In the farming economy of Leviticus, some inequality is inevitable. Because some soil is more fertile. In some regions, weather patterns are more reliable. So, some landowners make money more consistently. ....But, they understand that people ..... [live] From pay cheque to pay cheque. Or, from social assistance event to event. So, ideally, landowners share their wealth. With everyone. ..... No one is "othered." No one is left out. Landowners .... Pay them promptly, with a living wage. Run a harvest-time fresh food bank. Pay taxes to support the poorest. And offer interest free loans. ....

A culture of mutual support helps everyone. ... when there's a labour dispute, judges must be fair. Never favour the wealthy or sneer at the poor. Anyone who is tempted to take advantage should examine their heart. Maybe they carry scars ....Something that leads them to hate their own self. And thus direct their anger at an innocent. ...

.... Leviticus recommends, a community should hit the economic reset button. ... ....let the needy gather ...[crops] and eat. ..... Help those who sold their land for emergency cash. ... Release those indentured servants from their debt. ....The poorest start life anew, debt-free. And the wealthiest lose nothing.

But without the economic re-set, Moses says, society's energy field would fail. Social safety nets would be overstressed. People would lose hope in a healthy life. Their anxiety and depression would grow, too. They would blame each other.... Fear imaginary enemies. The community would fracture. Be unable to unite in self-defence. .... People would pray for rescue. But without social action, their prayers would be useless. ...

But - you may wonder - is all this really in Leviticus? YES it is. True, Leviticus also has some weaknesses. .... it allows a death penalty, harsh judgment of gay men, and lower wages for women. Its draft utopian vision still leaves room for improvement. But if all you remember are the book's flaws, then please. Take another look!

Please join Miryam Levy and your community on ZOOM Saturday, April 4, 10:00 am Chanting Morning Shabbat Service: Going Deep with Davennen

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